Monday, July 6, 2015

Please help a homeless geek, bros! (mission district) (nationwide)
Please help a homeless geek, bros!

Yea, I used to be one of those guys you loved to hate. The type who looked at those of you who couldn't code as if you were something that I scraped off of my shoe in the Tenderloin. The type who invaded the precious local watering holes and acted like a total asshole, waving my money around, expecting the staff to jump hoops for me and my Asperger krew. The type who told 90 year old women being evicted from their homes not to hate the player, hate the game. The type who liked the look of disgust on local artists faces when my group and I would take over entire sidewalks. The type who got to act out on all of my over compensation fantasies on the whores at North Beach strip clubs because I used to get shoved in lockers.

Now I am homeless, in large part due to H1b visas being passed out like candy. The curry takeover of Silicon Valley.

I don't 'look' or smell homeless, but I am.

Darwinian perspectives and libertarian values are not much help to me when I am being shoved around by big Black dudes on 6th street, but que sera sera.

Maybe I should find a rich gay sugar daddy and marry him. If I get lucky, I may be able to divorce him and buy the Asian or Eastern European mail order bride of my dreams.....

Here, you assHat! These were my Friends, People Say I'm Crazy (1989)

The Black Lady in Los Angeles who was Committed to Camirillo State Hospital lived in a Group Home in San Bernardino with me, I Have SAME VOICES 24x7.

WE KNOW WHO & WHAT WE ARE! Nice try, Lamb Chop. < grannie52 >
Sure, you're annoying enough to drive other people crazy. So? Sometimes people, for example you, have to be confined because they're a nuisance and a public health hazard, yet they have broken no law that would justify actual prison. The jails and prisons are full of your type, yes. They either don't know when to sit down and shut up, or they know but flatly refuse to. That's not insane, just ignorant or stubborn.

And saying the same thing three times, with three "different" voices, does not make it true. That's just what puppeteering is all about. So you and Charlie Horse and Hush Puppy can all sit in a circle and do what you do best. J++k o+f.

You are a Logical Foolicy < poorwhitetrashjew >
do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers
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